Visonary / Out of the box thinker


Visionary / Out of the box thinker

Job Category



Berlin / Merseburg


Full-Time or Part-Time

We just founded recently and are still looking for support. If you are interested in starting something new, gain some experience next to our studies or just looking for the next challenge – contact us! 

No matter if you are looking for an internship or a full-time job. First of all we get to know each other and afterwards we start talking about what’s possible…

Your Challenges

Everything about starting a company, 

developing a product 

and getting new users.

You are…

open minded,





and have a steep learning curve!


You are offered

A young and dynamic team.

High individual responsibility for you.

The chance to learn how to set up a company, product and all the stuff you alwayss wanted to know.

A place to work or home office.

Good cooking skills for lunch.

Startup atmosphere and a awesome mindset about changing the world 🙂


Become a equivalent team part of our team! We are happy to discuss and learn with and from you – together!

Apply now!

Send your CV to


Hope to hear from you soon, 
Robert & Toni

Plevendo Logo Footer
Alle Rechte vorbehalten 2017 – 2018 

Plevendo UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 

Arbeiten bei PLEVENDO

Offene Stellen


Hilfe & Support





UX/UI Designer

React Native Developer


Job Category



Berlin / Merseburg


Full-Time or Part-Time

We just founded recently and are still looking for support. If you are interested in starting something new, gain some experience next to our studies or just looking for the next challenge – contact us! 

No matter if you are looking for an internship or a full-time job. First of all we get to know each other and afterwards we start talking about what’s possible…

Your Challenges

– Support the team in ever Design question we have and of course finding the right answer

– Improve the design of our apps, website

– Develop together with the team a strategy for our designing process

– Get our stuff ready for online and offline marketing

You bring with you

– Open minded

– Creative

– Experienced in design – especially digital

– Thinking out of the box


You are offered

– Young and dynamic team

– High individual responsibility

– A place to work or home office

– Good cooking skills for lunch

– Startup atmosphere and a awesome mindset about changing the world 🙂

– Fun


Apply now!

Send your CV to


Hope to hear from you soon, 
Robert & Toni

Plevendo Logo Footer
Alle Rechte vorbehalten 2017 – 2018 

Plevendo UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 

Arbeiten bei PLEVENDO

Offene Stellen


Hilfe & Support





React Native Developer

React Native Developer

React Native Developer

Job Category

Software Development


Berlin / Merseburg


Full-Time or Part-Time

We just founded recently and are still looking for support. If you are interested in starting something new, gain some experience next to our studies or just looking for the next challenge – contact us! 

No matter if you are looking for an internship or a full-time job. First of all we get to know each other and afterwards we start talking about what’s possible…

Your Challenges

– write a react native mobile app for a rails 5 api backend

– functionality goals:

– user login/logout and registration via facebook, google, email

– token authentication to rails backend

– the user can index, show, create and update events

– user can vote on different things

– user can interact with other users via simple messaging

– user can friend/unfriend other users

– link sharing possibilities

You bring with you

– React Native Developer

– Redux and Reduy-Thunk

– Javascript

– Mobile Apps


You are offered

– Young and dynamic team

– High individual responsibility

– A place to work or home office

– Good cooking skills for lunch

– Startup atmosphere and a awesome mindset about changing the world


Apply now!

Send your CV to


Hope to hear from you soon, 
Robert & Toni

Plevendo Logo Footer
Alle Rechte vorbehalten 2017 – 2018 

Plevendo UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 

Arbeiten bei PLEVENDO

Offene Stellen


Hilfe & Support





German Museum of Technology – Berlin’s best museum

Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin - German Museum of Technology

Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin - Das beste Museum in Berlin

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Ich dachte ich fange meinen Erfahrungsbericht dieses Mal anders an. Und zwar mit dem Fazit zu Beginn.

Zwei Stunden sind definitiv nicht ausreichend, um sich das Deutsche Technikmuseum in Ruhe anzuschauen. Wieso erfahrt ihr jetzt.

Ich hatte letzte Woche Besuch und glücklicherweise auch einen Tag frei, um endlich mal wieder die Stadt zu entdecken. Das Wetter war noch nicht so super wie jetzt, dementsprechend musste es eine Aktivität sein, die sich auch wetterunabhängig machen lässt.

Wir haben uns dann für das Deutsche Technikmuseum entschieden. Das stand schon eine ganze Weile auf meiner Liste. Wir sind dann doch recht spontan los und ich habe mich vorher nicht damit beschäftigt.

So musste ich mich überraschen lassen…

Beeindruckend schon der erste Schritt in den Eingangsbereich. Ein riesiger Webstuhl, der anhand von Lochkarten automatisch die Muster zusammenweben konnte.

Das Lochkartenprinzip war der erste Schritt zum heutigen Computer und wer sich etwas mit der Technik auseinandersetzt, der wird beeindruckt sein, wie von noch nicht allzu langer Zeit Arbeitsschritte, Muster oder Prozesse abgespeichert wurden. Heute einfach unvorstellbar.

Acht Euro Eintritt, für Studenten sogar nur vier sind übrigens absolut gerechtfertigt, wenn man die Ausstellung dann im Verlauf sieht.

Wir begannen dann im Textilbereich, wo viele Techniken und Maschinen aus der industriellen Revolution ausgestellt sind. Die ersten Schritte des automatisierten Arbeitens waren wirklich ausgeklügelte mechanische Wunderwerke.

Leider mussten wir dann ziemlich schnell nach oben in den Teil mit ausgestellten Flugzeugen. Um 16 Uhr begann nämlich an diesem Tag der Flug im Flugsimulator und das darf ich mir natürlich nicht entgehen lassen.

Pünktlich oben angekommen warteten bereits alle auf die „Show“. Und wie ich erwartet hatte, durfte ein freiwilliger fliegen. Ich wollte natürlich unbedingt, musste mich aber im Losverfahren gegen einen 12-jährigen geschlagen geben. Die anderen 4, alle übrigens weit unter 16 waren genauso traurig wie ich. 

“Ich musste mich im Losverfahren gegen einen 12-jährigen geschlagen geben.”

Gute 15 Minuten ging der Flug gemeinsam mit einem gut ausgebildeten Fluglehrer, der wirklich sehr ruhig erklärte, wie er das Ding nach oben und vor allem auch heil wieder nach unten bekommt. Sehr realitätsnah und auch nachdem ich nur zugeschaut habe würde ich sagen, auf dem nächsten Urlaubsflug kann der Kapitän gern eine halbe Stunde Pause machen.

Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin - German Museum of Technology
Die Ausstellung Luft- und Raumfahrt

Danach haben wir uns ziemlich lang in der Flugzeugausstellung aufgehalten. Es gab einfach so viel zu sehen. Es war der Wahnsinn. Ich habe noch nie eine so große und beeindruckend Ansammlung von verschiedenen Flugzeugen gesehen.

Dazu kommt, dass hier die Geschichte des Fliegens von Beginn an aufgearbeitet wird. Es sind Flieger dabei, die sehen aus wie Papierflugzeuge. Das sich damals Menschen waghalsig in diese, nennen wir sie Flugobjekte hineingesetzt haben, zeigt wie mutig diese Pioniere waren.

Beeindruckend auch, die Zeitzeugen aus den beiden Weltkriegen. Durch Spendengelder finanziert und durch professionelle Teams durchgeführt, konnten einige Flugzeuge aus Seen geborgen und teilweise wiederaufgearbeitet werden.

“Allein für die Ausstellung Luft- und Raumfahrt benötigt man mindestens zwei Stunden.”

Auf dem Weg zurück sind wir durch die zwei Stockwerke mit den Schiffen gelaufen. In diesem Teil der Ausstellung steht weniger das Objekt Schiff im Vordergrund, sondern vielmehr die Beziehung zwischen Mensch und Schiff.

Ins Auge stach dabei sofort das aus der Havel geborgene Wrack eines Kaffenkahns von etwa 1840. Es ist eines der Hauptobjekte in der Lebenswelt Schiff und beeindruckt schon mit immenser Größe und tollen Aufarbeitung.

Weiter ging es dann für uns zu einem Mann, den wahrscheinlich heute kaum noch jemand kennt, der allerdings schon damals den Grundstein für das gelegt hat, was wir heute in der Hosentasche mit uns herumtragen: einen Computer.

“Das Computerzeitalter begann tatsächlich in den 1930er Jahren in Laufentfernung zum Deutschen Technikmuseum.”

Nein, es war nicht Steve Jobs, der in Kalifornien in seiner Garage saß und mit einer genialen Idee den ersten Computer zusammengeschraubt hat. Das Computerzeitalter begann tatsächlich in den 1930er Jahren in Laufentfernung zum Deutschen Technikmuseum: In Berlin-Kreuzberg baute der Tüftler Konrad Zuse die ersten Computer der Welt.

Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin - German Museum of Technology
Ein Nachbau des Z1 von Konrad Zuse

Aus Anlass seines 100. Geburtstags präsentiert die Abteilung Mathematik und Informatik seit 2010 eine interaktive Dauerausstellung: Auf rund 300 qm werden in sechs Themeninseln Leben und Werk Konrad Zuses vorgestellt und in die weltweite Technikgeschichte eingeordnet.

Man kann sich Nachbauten des Z1 und des Z3 ansehen und wer zur rechten Zeit kommt, der trifft Prof. Horst Zuse, Sohn des Computerpioniers, dabei, wie er den Z3 persönlich vorführt.

Das war es dann auch schon in zwei Stunden. Klingt kurz, war es auch. Und dabei gibt es so viele Ausstellungen, die wir nicht einmal ansatzweise ansehen konnten. Keinen einzigen Schritt machten wir in die Filmtechnik, Fototechnik, Historische Brauerei, Energietechnik und den Schienenverkehr.

Wir kommen auf jeden Fall wieder und werden das definitiv nachholen. Das Deutsche Technikmuseum war für mich bis jetzt das beste Museum in Berlin. Abwechslungsreich, durchgehend Interessant und jeden Tag zu verschiedene Zeiten gibt es tolle Vorführungen mit historischen Geräten.

Das muss man gesehen haben. Wahnsinn! Wie aufwendig damals Herstellungsprozesse waren, die Mechanik der Maschinen zu sehen, die Arbeitsweise und Techniken und der Einfallsreichtum der Erfinder…


Eintritt8,00 EUR4,00 EUR
Gruppen (ab 10 Personen)5,00 EUR2,00 EUR
Mini-Familienkarte (1 Erwachsene/r + 2 Kinder unter 14 Jahre)9,00 EUR 
Maxi-Familienkarte (2 Erwachsene + 3 Kinder unter 14 Jahre)17,00 EUR 
Inhaber des Berliner FamilienPasses erhalten jeweils 3,00 EUR Rabatt auf die Museums-Familienkarten. Der FamilienPass ist für 6,00 EUR im Museumsshop erhältlich.


Dienstag bis Freitag9.00 bis 17.30 Uhr
Samstag / Sonntag10.00 bis 18.00 Uhr


Das Deutsche Technikmuseum setzt sich dafür ein, seine Ausstellungen und Angebote allen Besucherinnen und Besuchern zugänglich zu machen.
Das Museum ist grundsätzlich rollstuhlgerecht. Die historische Brauerei und die Mühlen sind allerdings nicht rollstuhlgeeignet. Die Ausstellung “Filmtechnik” im 3. OG des Beamtenhauses ist nur über eine Treppe zu erreichen. Im Museumspark bietet ein integriertes Leit- und Informationssystem für Blinde einen Rundgang über das historisch interessante Gelände mit seinen Gebäuden und Sehenswürdigkeiten.
Ausführliche Informationen zu barrierefreien Angeboten und zur Zugänglichkeit des Hauses erhalten Sie auf der Seite Barrierefreiheit

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Experiencing politics – A day in political Berlin

Experiencing politics

A political day in Berlin

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Reichstag Building: [architectural] Democracy and transparency in perfection

Politik erleben: Plenarsaal Bundestag
© Natalja Rau

It was already on our top list for Berlin. And yet this place gets my attention a second time. The Reichstag building. A building that has shaped the history of our country like no other.

Those interested in architecture should pay attention, because this place is perfect for discussing all facets of an intelligent and ecological building method.

Externally, the political system always stands for democracy and transparency. In this text, I do not want to judge whether this visibility actually reaches the citizen. Architect Norman Foster succeeds in building at least the foundations.

The first step into the entrance hall is absolutely impressive. A single step into the building is all it takes to get a first glimpse of the Chamber.

“This is transparency that it would have been better not to implement.”

The visitors’ gallery extends so far into the hall that one has the privilege of being closer to the speaker’s desk than a large number of Members of Parliament. This is the best way to follow political debates.

“That’s all architectural democracy can do.”

In this visitors’ gallery we received an excellent lecture on history and, of course, on the events of the day in and around the Chamber. Very informative and wonderfully decorated with small funny anecdotes, the 45 minutes were very interesting and absolutely recommendable.

It has also been clarified why there is only one group of 20 politicians present in many debates in which one takes part or which are followed live on TV. Specific topics such as, for example, the law on the security of fertiliser and seed supply are developed and discussed by working groups. Transport experts play a minor role here and are therefore not present.

A visit helps to understand the work in Parliament, it helps to understand how politics is made and it opens the eyes to see what opportunities for active or passive participation are open to every citizen, if he or she so wishes.

Perhaps one should ask oneself before an election whether one has done everything to understand the process, to influence and change positively, instead of simply giving his voice and person the attribute “protest”.

The last stage leads of course to the glass dome. Here too, the issue of transparency has been optimally implemented, as you get an excellent view of the political scene. But with the dome, however, several ecological aspects were also solved. A plenary hall flooded with natural light is provided by 360 funnel-shaped mirrors. The ventilation can also be controlled by a special technology via the dome and thus provides sufficient fresh air without an electronically controlled ventilation system.

Finally, of course, a word about the outlook. In the heart of Berlin you can let your gaze wander over the adjoining zoo in a westerly direction or to the television tower in an eastward direction. This 360° view cannot be topped so quickly.

Free entry

A barrier-free environment: Yes

It is essential to register early: Click here

Visit to the "Erlebnis Europa" [German laws made in Euroupe]

Politik erleben: Erlebnis Europa
© Natalja Rau

If you would like to round off the day’s political experience in Berlin, you will only be given the opportunity to do so by a stone’s throw from the Reichstag building. Walking through the Brandenburg Gate via Pariser Platz to the “Experience Europe”.

A small, very interactive exhibition explains the tasks of the three central EU institutions, including the Commission, the Council and Parliament.

In the small but beautifully decorated 360° cinema, you can take part in a plenary session of the European Parliament or take on the role of a Member of the European Parliament or Commissioner directly at a business game.

For political students and teachers! There is a lot of information material to take away. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a coloring book for the kids, legal texts or information flyers. Here you get a wonderful insight into the work of the EU.

For all those who attribute little importance to the EU and have little interest in developing it, I would say that European treaties are more important than national laws. Thus, each of our laws that we pass in Germany is influenced by the decisions of the EU.

Come and discover Europe in the heart of Berlin.

Free entry

Daily: 10:00 – 18:00 o’ clock

A barrier-free environment: Yes

Groups please register: Click here

Short vis-á-vis with Willy Brandt [More than a statesman]

Politik erleben: Forum Willy Brandt Berlion

Only a few meters away is the last political stage of the day. But the Forum Willy Brandt Berlin is about more than the cult of a single person.

It is about important developments of the 20th century and how a simple young man from Lübeck influenced the history of an entire country.

With a smart card, every visitor can call up the entire multimedia offering in his or her own language and retrieve specific text, audio and video documents. A search game is offered for children to help them experience the topic even more actively.

The exhibition about the former mayor of Berlin, chancellor and world-renowned statesman rounds off the story wonderfully and leaves no wish unfulfilled for interested politicians.

Free Enrty

A barrier-free environment: Yes

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday: 10-18 o’ clock (also Easter-, Whit Monday, 3.10.) / closed: 24. -26.12., 31.12. and 1.1.

Special opening hours for group tours are available by appointment: Click here

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Ein politischer Tag in Berlin

PLEVENDO Jahresrückblick

2017 - A Year of Happiness and Friendship [The PLEVENDO Annual Review]

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The 31st day of the twelfth month of a year is for many a day with great symbolic value.

For many of us, it’s a beginning. A start into something new. New intentions, new ideas. Many of us want to go new ways from this day forward.

If you believe a study by the DAK, in 2015 one in two managed to keep up with the good intentions for at least 4 months. 

As anyone can imagine, these surveys are strongly influenced by things like 

“living healthier”, 

“doing more sports” and of course 

“less [insert bad habit here]”.

These intentions are a wonderful thing. But let’s review the year, let’s take a look at one thing. Whether we have mastered the good intentions or not. There are other thing which made our year a special one

Good intentions and what is really important

We travelled, got married, won the championship, had a baby. Maybe you bought a house or sold one. Some may changed the job and had to leave nice colleagues.

Then we found out that the new colleagues are really nice as well and the old colleagues stayed – as friends.

In 2017, each of us has once again written wonderful stories.

But if we look back on the year today, we mostly realize that everything wonderful we remember is connected with a constant:


Whether our partner, family or friends. Most of the moments we remember we experienced together. We have shared them with the people we really care about. And we’re still sharing them. In stories at the next beer, with photos on instagram or a good story in our next blogpost. We send out videos and postcards of these moments and remember those moments again and again when we were laughing on the floor or lying in our arms with tears.


Because we are overwhelmed by the feeling of sharing the most beautiful moments of our lives with the people who mean most to us.

Friends make us who we are

For me, the word friends clearly comes from happiness. That’s why I like to look back on the year 2017. Proud of what we have experienced together. 

Viewing the photos of our holidays we shared, the bike tour at the lake we did or the first barbecue in the new house they bought.

But I also like to look ahead quickly. Not because I want to forget quickly, but because the drive for new experiences and moments is so great that there is no reason to wait.

All we need are the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

So here is your to do:


Thank you for a wonderful year 2017.

♥ This list is NOT a ranking ♥



Paul & Lucie

Toni & Ester

Alex & Uli

Dana & Marius

Stine & Martin

Martin & Josi

Basti & Josi

Marco & Kathrin







Mörbi & Tine


Gutschi & Maria

Patrick & Sandra







Natis Familiy

Meiner Oma und meinem Opa

Meinen Eltern

Meiner Schwester


Meinem Bruder


Meinen Nichten

Dem Team vom Gründerservice Merseburg

Dem gesamten Team vom FSV Berolina Stralau

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The 5 best activities in Berlin for friends and yourself [Winter Edition]

Aktivitäten in Berlin

The 5 best activities for friends and yourself [Berlin Winter Edition]

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Addressed and inspired by you and friends at my last party, I just took the morning and gathered my ideas for a wonderful winter time in Berlin.

Berlin offers so much, far away from the overcrowded Christmas markets. There are so many creative minds who take courses with you. Just take a look inside, let yourself be inspired and maybe you’ll even find a Christmas present or two.

Info: I haven’t tried everything [yet] but I hope that the recommendations will still leave a good impression and you won’t be disappointed. Please leave comments about your experiences!

Bake the world’s best cupcakes [Workshop]

Aktivitäten in Berlin

It’s cold, it’s grey. This is why some of you may feeling very dejected. So it’s time to lift the mood a little. Of course, the best way to do this is with the wonderful sweets that are available this time of year.

However, if you want to try something new and have enough of your standard cookies, you should try to get a place at the cupcake baking course of Tigertörtchen. The number of participants is limited, so book quickly.

Still available in March

55 € per person

Learn more 

Making your own chocolate [Workshop].

Aktivitäten in Berlin

If cupcakes are not enough and you want more, I have something for all the foodies. Two hours in Belyzium is all about one thing: chocolate. So if you don’t want to taste the head of a boring supermarket Santa Claus again, you can design your own creation and take it home with you.

For the preparation, the chocolate experts need one week in advance, so please register in time. 

Still available in February and March

37 € per person

Learn more

Fly like a bird in the wind [Adrenaline junkies]

Aktivitäten in Berlin

If you think that bad weather is only outside, you don’t know the Hurricane Factory yet. The boys and girls can make you a little breeze inside, too. More precisely, up to 280 km/h and let you even fly.

With all the chocolate and cupcakes, Germany’s largest wind tunnel will have no problem lifting you into the air. From single, double and group flights everything is available and you will always be coached by a professional.

Availability dates for February and March

From 59 € per person

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Build your own furniture [Workshop

Aktivitäten in Berlin

Sometimes it is the case that we not only do things for ourselves, but also to make others happy. That’s why my search for an original christmas present led me to the hobby joinery.

Here you can build your own stool, table, chair or (already too late) christmas calendar. In very small groups, you will be looked after and advised by a specialist in the use of saws and cutters.

This is how the best things are created and you get a feeling for the material wood and how wonderful it is not to buy the glued cardboard furniture from the store.

As a gift for yourself or your best friend, a self-made stool makes itself wonderful.

Available dates for February and March

Prices vary according to course / dates on request 

Learn more

Sauna on the water [Pure relaxation]

The work is done, the stool was built. Time for relaxation. There are not many possibilities in the city from my personal point of view.

Relaxation during sports is always possible, but even there you are constantly annoyed and interrupted by traffic lights, traffic or icy winds. Christmas markets are crowded, prices are exaggerated and the flair leaves much to be desired in the mostly commercial exploitation.

Not far from the bustle of Berlin’s metropolitan hectic pace, you can spend a wonderful time with your friends and cruise the Berlin waterways with the sauna raft. Whether with or without overnight stay, you can decide.

In any case, you will get 100% relaxation and can charge the battery for the next days. The season is, of course, ideal for the really hard ones, who don’t shy away from jumping into the water after the sauna.

Available dates in February and March

Prices vary depending on the offer

Leanr more 

Viel Spaß und am besten genießt ihr die Zeit gemeinsam. Nichts ist besser als die schönen Momente im Leben mit den Menschen zu teilen, die wir lieben.

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2017 – A Year of Happiness and Friendship [The PLEVENDO Annual Review]

PLEVENDO Jahresrückblick

2017 - A Year of Happiness and Friendship [The PLEVENDO Annual Review]

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The 31st day of the twelfth month of a year is for many a day with great symbolic value.

For many of us, it’s a beginning. A start into something new. New intentions, new ideas. Many of us want to go new ways from this day forward.

If you believe a study by the DAK, in 2015 one in two managed to keep up with the good intentions for at least 4 months. 

As anyone can imagine, these surveys are strongly influenced by things like 

“living healthier”, 

“doing more sports” and of course 

“less [insert bad habit here]”.

These intentions are a wonderful thing. But let’s review the year, let’s take a look at one thing. Whether we have mastered the good intentions or not. There are other thing which made our year a special one

Good intentions and what is really important

We travelled, got married, won the championship, had a baby. Maybe you bought a house or sold one. Some may changed the job and had to leave nice colleagues.

Then we found out that the new colleagues are really nice as well and the old colleagues stayed – as friends.

In 2017, each of us has once again written wonderful stories.

But if we look back on the year today, we mostly realize that everything wonderful we remember is connected with a constant:


Whether our partner, family or friends. Most of the moments we remember we experienced together. We have shared them with the people we really care about. And we’re still sharing them. In stories at the next beer, with photos on instagram or a good story in our next blogpost. We send out videos and postcards of these moments and remember those moments again and again when we were laughing on the floor or lying in our arms with tears.


Because we are overwhelmed by the feeling of sharing the most beautiful moments of our lives with the people who mean most to us.

Friends make us who we are

For me, the word friends clearly comes from happiness. That’s why I like to look back on the year 2017. Proud of what we have experienced together. 

Viewing the photos of our holidays we shared, the bike tour at the lake we did or the first barbecue in the new house they bought.

But I also like to look ahead quickly. Not because I want to forget quickly, but because the drive for new experiences and moments is so great that there is no reason to wait.

All we need are the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

So here is your to do:


Thank you for a wonderful year 2017.

♥ This list is NOT a ranking ♥



Paul & Lucie

Toni & Ester

Alex & Uli

Dana & Marius

Stine & Martin

Martin & Josi

Basti & Josi

Marco & Kathrin







Mörbi & Tine


Gutschi & Maria

Patrick & Sandra







Natis Familiy

Meiner Oma und meinem Opa

Meinen Eltern

Meiner Schwester


Meinem Bruder


Meinen Nichten

Dem Team vom Gründerservice Merseburg

Dem gesamten Team vom FSV Berolina Stralau

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